Will you join #HandsAcrossChicago with us in united prayer and action in your neighborhood this Memorial Day weekend?

Host your own initiative, or, collaborate with one of the locations already listed below:

Register & Get UpdatesHost a Location of Prayer / Action


United Prayer in Strategic Locations
Faith-in-Action Events
Love Your School Prayer Corners

Click on the map pins to see more information about each location, day/time, and how to participate. Or, view in chronological order on calendar.

Register & Get UpdatesHost a Location of Prayer / Action

The “Submit United Prayer & Action Events” form can be used year-round. All approved submissions for May 24-27 will be added to the Hands Across Chicago 2024 map.


United Prayer in Strategic Locations

  • Register to host a prayer location
  • Invite people from your church/org and from other churches/orgs to join you
  • Arrive early so you can welcome others who may join in
  • Come prepared with some relevant prayer points for your community
  • Involve others and make it participatory for everyone
  • Conclude with the Lord's Prayer and/or HAC Common Prayer


Faith-in-Action Events

  • Lead a community peace walk and stop to talk with neighbors
  • Clean up the block or area around you
  • Check in on elderly residents and help them with needs
  • Plan a barbecue and share a meal with others
  • Give out resources
  • Host activities or sports for children
  • Host an outdoor church service


Love Your School Prayer Corner

  • Register to host a PRAYER CORNER near a school in your neighborhood.
  • Pray the Lord's Prayer on your PRAYER CORNER with at least one other person.
  • Take communion together and pray for the students, teachers and faculty.
  • PRAYER WALK around your school.
  • Bring garbage bags and clean along the sidewalk as you PRAYER WALK.

How are you going to participate in Prayer & Action?

Register & Get UpdatesHost a Location of Prayer / Action

Promotional Media

Help us spread the word about #HandsAcrossChicago!

Media Kit

Promo Video

Stream on Youtube or download from Media Kit

Title Graphic

Title Graphic (.JPG, 1920×1080)

Info Graphic

Info Graphic (.JPG, 1920×1080)

Editable Slides

Editable Google Slides deck (16:9, ENG & SPA) – Click above, then choose File > “Make a Copy”, Save and Edit

Editable Flyers

Editable Google Slides flyer (8.5″x11″, ENG & SPA) – Click above, then choose File > “Make a Copy”, Save and Edit

Sample Email / Posts

Hands Across Chicago is an annual city-wide united prayer and faith-in-action event hosted on Memorial Day weekend.

As the weather warms up in Chicago, often violence does as well. We want to see the Church responding with prayer and positive presence—we can be a part of making peace happen.

For the past three years, Hands Across Chicago has been a practical expression of the Church praying together and working together for peace.

Join us on Friday, May 24 through Monday, May 27 for united prayer and action all across the city.

Sign up to host a prayer location in your neighborhood with your church or small group.

Then, put your faith into action to seek the wellbeing of that location over the weekend – you could clean the block, host a barbecue, or bring positive presence to a hotspot corner.

Make it your own and collaborate with other churches and organizations around you. There’s something for all us as we link our hands across Chicago in prayer and action this Memorial Day weekend.

View the map and sign up to participate at www.HandsAcrossChicago.com

Join #HandsAcrossChicago in united prayer & action in strategic locations over Memorial Day weekend — learn more at www.HandsAcrossChicago.com

Stand together in prayer and action for peace in Chicagoland on May 24-27 – see the map of locations at www.HandsAcrossChicago.com and join in!

Social Media

Please like / share / retweet and use #HandsAcrossChicago

Questions? Email info@chiunitepray.com

Share testimonies & photos from Hands Across Chicago 2024

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See summaries & photos from Hands Across Chicago over the years

Past Years' Summaries
Chicagoland United in Prayer summer engagement rhythm